Happy New Year! The Tojis' New Year's and Prayers [past]
1: An Invitation to a New Year's Shrine VisitIn the middle of January.
Yukina: Why can't I be with Yukari-onee-sama!?
Sana: Sigh.
Yukina: Don't sigh at me!
Yukina: January's already halfway over, you know? And still, I can count the number of hours I've spent together with Yukari-sama on just one hand!!
Sana: But I mean like, there's nothing you can do about that, right?
Sana: Missions and stuff get really busy around New Year's, and Yukari-senpai's probably got a lot going on at home.
Yukina: Still, Hiiragi-san gets to be together with Yukari-onee-sama, doesn't she!? That's not fair!
Sana: Isn't that just like something you've gotta deal with?
Yukina: ......
Yukina: Why would you say that? Whose side are you on, Sana?
Sana: (...I'm not really on anybody's side here. I mean, like, whatever I say, I can tell this'll get really annoying.)
Sana: Anyway, let's forget about all that, Yukina-senpai.
Yukina: Forget about that?
Sana: Yeah. I mean, I don't really have to tell you whose side I'm on, right?
Sana: So like, forgetting about that... Want to do our first shrine visit or something?
Yukina: Would you like to go on our first shrine visit, Yukari-onee-sama!
Yukari: Our first shrine visit... Right now?
Yukina: Yes!
Yukina: You've been so busy for so long, so I thought you could also use a break... What do you say?
Yukari: Sure, a break's nice sometimes.
Yukina: Great!
Yukari: That'll be fine, right, Kagari?
Kagari: Yes, Yukari-sama.
Yukina: (Hiiragi-san!)
Yukina: (Now's your only chance to stay next to Yukari-onee-sama like that! On our shrine visit, I'll be with Yukari-onee-sama...! You can just go be with Sana!)
Minato: Yukari, Kagari... Wait, Yukina and Sana? Huh; what're you doing here?
Kagari: Sagami-san was just here inviting us to make our first shrine visit.
Minato: Cool, our first shrine visit! I'll go with!
Yukina: (You're bringing Minato-senpai too!? Hiiragi-san! Is that how badly you want to ruin my time with Yukari-onee-sama!?)
Sana: (That look on her face... She's totally getting mad at Kagari-senpai for no reason.)
Minato: C'mon everybody, let's go!
2: Let's Draw Our FortunesYukari: It figures it wouldn't be very crowded this long after New Year's. The food stalls too... I guess there won't be any.
Kagari: Yes; it makes it easier to stay alert of our surroundings.
Yukina: (Hiiragi-san, you're sticking right up next to Yukari-onee-sama! You really are trying to get in my way, aren't you!)
Yukina: (But, this is where Sana comes in...)
Minato: Huh, so you're the one who thought of all coming to a shrine together?
Sana: Yep, that was me-.
Yukina: (Why are you off having fun chatting with Minato-senpai!? Didn't you promise to come along and help me!?)
Minato: Since we came to make our first shrine visit, let's all draw our fortunes!
Sana: Sounds good!
Minato: And whoever gets the worst fortune is buying us juice, Sana.
Sana: Ehh!?
Kagari: Gambling on your fortunes is so unscrupulous.
Yukari: But it does sound fun.
Kagari: You're bringing Yukari-sama into this too... Minato-senpai?
Minato: Huh? You're mad at me?
Sana: What're you waiting for, Yukina-senpai? You're gonna get left behind?!
Yukina: Geez! Why did things end up like this!!
Minato: Nice; a "great fortune"! What'd you get, Sana?
Sana: You got me beat~. Mine's just "medium fortune".
Yukari: Oh. Then, mine's the worst. See.
Minato: Yukari's is a plain old "fortune"! What should I make you buy for me...
Sana: Thanks for paying!
Yukina: Yukari-onee-sama won't be buying you anything! Mine's "fortune to come"!
Kagari: Honestly... What are you all even doing.
Minato: Well, what'd you get, Kagari?
Kagari: ..."Great fortune".
Minato: Ahaha, we're the same!
Kagari: ...
Yukari: You shouldn't look so upset, getting a great fortune, Kagari... [achoo].
Yukari: It's gotten a little chilly, hasn't it?
Yukina: Yukari-onee-sama!? It'd be awful if you caught a cold! I'll go buy you something warm to drink!
Sana: ...I'll go too. Yukina-senpai on her own probably won't get anything for anybody besides Yukari-senpai.
Minato: Then, I guess I'll go along. Won't you have a hard time carrying drinks for 4 people by yourself?
Sana: Thanks!
Yukari: It's just the two of us now.
Kagari: ...Right.
3: The Two of ThemKagari: It's finally quieted down.
Kagari: We only came here to pay the shrine a visit, so we should do it without making such a commotion.
Yukari: ...
Kagari: What are you smiling for, Yukari-sama? Was there something strange about what I said?
Yukari: It's not like that.
Yukari: I was just thinking, even though you're complaining, you look like you're enjoying this.
Kagari: That's not......
Kagari: ...
Yukari: Is there any reason you couldn't let yourself seem more happy about it?
Kagari: That's... I've come to accept that a little, about myself.
Kagari: ...I'm letting myself be too relaxed.
Yukari: Huh?
Kagari: I've been getting too close to Minato-senpai and the others. I'll maintain a proper distance.
Yukari: Kagari...
Kagari: There won't be any issues. When the time comes... I'll make sure to fulfill my duty.
Yukari: That's not it, Kagari. I'm not worried about that at all.
Yukari: If anything... I'm grateful toward Minato.
Kagari: ...
Yukari: Hey, Kagari. I just...
Minato: We got drinks!
Kagari/Yukari: --!?
Yukina: Yukari-onee-sama! Here's hot tea for you!
Sana: And I got the same for you, Kagari-senpai.
Kagari: ...Thank you, Sana. I'll take it.
Yukari: (Hey, Kagari. I just...)
Yukari: (Wish days like today could go on for as long as possible.)
Yukina: Yukari-onee-sama? Aren't you going to drink it?
Yukari: Sure. Thank you, Yukina.
Yukina: No problem!!